Personal fitness training is most suitable for people with specific needs such as weight-loss, blood pressure issues, injury rehabilitation or if you just prefer to train in privacy, or with a friend or partner.
Personal Fitness Training offers a person peace of mind that they are getting the most out of their fitness training, as the responsibility is being shared by an experienced fitness professional.
Often when people are trying to achieve certain results they will be using techniques or intensity levels that they have learned from sources that are less than reliable (usually friends or magazines). While this does have a chance of being effective and achieving results, it also has a pretty good chance of being ineffective, wasting their time (and effort) and leading to disappointment. If you are seeing an experienced, qualified fitness trainer, you can be sure that you have someone else looking out for your best interests and constantly thinking of ways to improve your health and nutrition in order to best achieve your goals.
Motivation is another major benefit of using a personal trainer. If you have trouble getting out of bed to go for that jog, ride or swim, then imagine if you had someone waiting for you, someone who will call you and ask where you are, if you don’t turn up.
Would that improve your commitment and get you started on your journey?
Even if you are already active and motivated, an experienced fitness trainer could still be used to find ways to make improvements to your program and/or techniques and therefore bring you the desired results sooner.
Another great reason to employ a fitness trainer is the amount of information that they can pass on to you. At Circuitry, we do our best to make sure that our clients learn all they can along their fitness training journey.
Surely it is easier to stick to a training program if you understand what is going on inside your body and why we do the things we do to help our fitness and wellbeing.